F1 Quiz: Top 10 drivers in Formula 1 on win percentage

Johnnie Victoria

For today’s F1 quiz, can you name the 10 drivers with the highest win percentage in Formula 1?

To be a race winner in Formula 1 is a huge honour. There have been 111 race winners in F1 history, and 34 of them have won just the one race.

Just the one win may not seem so fantastic, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that they are among an elite group of drivers that have won an F1 race.

If it doesn’t sound that elite, consider the fact this way: only 14.4% of drivers to have ever competed in Formula 1 have seen victory.

Now it sounds a bit more impressive, doesn’t it?

Some of the drivers in this quiz are some of Formula 1’s most successful drivers of all time.

Think about the guys who have won many races, and they might be up here.

But not all of the drivers on this list fall under that category of most successful.

A couple of the drivers here actually only featured in less that 10 races. Yet in that time, they managed to pick up a race win.

So, bear that in mind when you are completing this F1 quiz of the top 10 drivers in Formula 1 for win percentage.

As mentioned, there are mainly some of the sport’s biggest names, but there are also one or two lesser-known drivers in there.

If you want another challenge, try today’s Guess the Grid: 1982 South African Grand Prix.

Also on offer is the Sportword – Planet Sport’s word guessing game where you must work out the F1-based word in six guesses.

Good luck!